RTV Tools features in “From CAD Monkey to BIMpanzee” at AU2015
RTV Tools featured in the inspirational, informative presentation, From CAD Monkey to BIMpanzee: The Evolution of Design Technology at BDP From CAD Monkey to BIMpanzee: The Evolution of Design Technology at BDP” by Elliott Crossley – Associate, BDP (London).
Presentation Summary:
“Since the U.K. government Level 2 Building Information Modeling (BIM) mandate, BDP has actively pursued greater BIM adoption centered on Autodesk, Inc., software and the emerging British Standards. In autumn of 2014, BDP became the first U.K. business to achieve BIM Level 2 certification.
This class will reveal workflows that BDP adopted in a multidisciplinary approach to address this mandate, enabled by the use of BIM technologies. In a critical analysis of a £330 million project, we will divulge the BDP BIM Toolbox from inception to construction (with a tested strategy for facilities management), highlighting how the process has evolved over the past decade, as well as showing proven efficiencies and further development priorities to deliver a better product for our clients.”
Carl Smith
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